Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Board Meeting

Highlights from last night's board meeting:

- The board approved making "camps" an integral part of the mission of Tri-This. With the trained high school students as teachers of course. We are looking at putting on camps at the county juvenille detention facility as well as valley teen ranch, a local group home set in the countryside.

- The board also approved reimbursement of $2,000+ of expenses I have incurred as a result of the few trips we have gone on and the typical start up expenses. My credit card thanks them and I look forward to being able to NOT be the intermediary. We have received $600 in pledges so far (grants from USAT and Aetna Foundation) but don't have the money yet...

- Splash and Dash planning is going well. Will probably change the volunteer meeting next week from Tuesday to Wednesday to avoid Cinco de Mayo craziness. It's a HUGE deal here in Fresno since the population I serve is about 70% hispanic.

Swimming championships are tomorrow and Friday. Should be good; if nothing else it means no more after school practice for a few weeks! I am getting sick but might go to Millerton tonight anyway to do some running and swimming?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kids Triathlon 09

(all pictures are HERE)

One of my favorite things about coaching is seeing how things change among the team - most of the time (all of the time?) for the better.

Two years ago was our first kids triathlon. It was two weeks after everyone's first triathlon, a week after the first newspaper article and the night after we were invited to a Fresno Coyotes indoor football game. It was also the first event that we were blessed to use the Suburban... at that time on loan from who we eventually bought it for. (correction: I bought it from...).

Last year we were much more experienced and had more kids who did much better! The Fresno Bee was on hand that time and so my kids performed admirably knowing people were watching.

This year it was 'just another triathlon' for the kids even though in retrospect I had the most competitors to date. I relied on parents for their transportation; but as is often the case things fell through for several students in the end and the students going and how they were gonna get there wasn't set until about 7pm last night. This meant I had to pick up three kids up at 5 this morning because I was helping with set up this year so got there at 6... it's always great to see an event go from nothing to 200 kids and probably as many spectators too!

It was a great event once again. Record (?) numbers of kids and great competition in the 15-17 division. Also had two new racers (siblings of students) racing in the 13-14 division.

We placed 2nd and 3rd in the top age group with solid performances by Albert and Aaron. Jr. finished his first triathlon.

(comparison shots:
Albert in 2007:

Albert in 2008:

Albert in 2009:

... only using albert because he's the only one who has done all three). Aside from the obvious, "difference between 15 and 17" body, it's clear that this year his body is more streamlined from being on the swim team this year and he's solid, not just bulky, muscle. Proud of him and all of the other kids at this year's tri!

Looking forward to next year's event already!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

kids tri practice

took a few kids out practicing for the kids triathlon this weekend...

Carlos (first time on a bike really... the previous two practices of biking and running he'd just wanted to run), Lindsey (borrowing a killer bike from one of her dad's friends!), Paul (aubree's brother and kids tri camp participant!), and Jr.

good times.

Monday, April 20, 2009

tons to post about, but just one important thing now!

Tri This is officially a registered public charity (501c (3)) status) organization.

Will set up the bank account once I get the paperwork next week.


the races this weekend went well, lots of great athleticism (the highlights on my end included being third out of the water at the Millerton Tri on Saturday) and teamwork/team building including a stranger loaning me a bike to use at Sunday's tri... finished 30 minutes faster than my race 2 years ago!)

I did however, lose to Albert! His swim was AMAZING! (I was sixth out of the water, he was 7th). i got him on the bike and he overtook me on the run... beat me by 4 lousy minutes! pics are up at

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Two Triathlons this weekend

This weekend we've got two triathlons going on.

For the Millerton Lake Triathlon we will head up and camp at millerton lake on Friday night. A handful of kids are going on this part of the trip to practice setting up the tents and have fun setting up the course. When we do the splash and dash set up in May, we will know what to do already...

Then after volunteering at the race on Saturday we'll load up with a few new people (Meagan, my friend Karl and some more kids) up to Folsom Lake (near Sacramento) to set up camp (we get the same campsite pretty much every time we go... at Beals Point!)

This is our 9th camping trip up with TBF Racing.

I explained to my students in a handout this week the importance of getting sleep these days before the race. And proper nutrition (and I'm practicing what I preach by not having soda this week/no energy drinks too... and for lunch for example today is pasta with grilled chicken. last night was the same with some salad and fresh strawberries thrown in!).

and drinking lots of water. tonight i will get off a quick swim and tomorrow a light run in preparation for sunday. some biking will happen friday or saturday!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

New Blog, More Focus

Tri This! is the new name of the triathlon team I, Brandon Dorman, created more than two years ago in the heart of Fresno.

The team and concept have grown from, "hey, let's do a triathlon because it's something challenging," to something that others are taking notice of. Not just because it's a cool thing to get kids from diverse and challenging backgrounds to do triathlons - a decidedly different kind of experience than what they're used to - but because of the scope of programs and type of focus we have.

- Grades generally go up
- Kids gain new experiences of life outside the inner city
- Stereotypes are broken, and people are given hope on both sides
- Quotes like this:

"Not only was it a new experience, but it was new people. Being able to do the triathlon, I believe, is all thanks to my team. I was on the swim team for three years 250 miles away and moved to Fresno in April. These people accepted me. When I finished my first half mile for the swim I was running up the hill to tag my partner and saw all the faces of people who believed in me and it felt great. My goal is to inspire and believe in someone else, so that they get that same feeling."


"Training helps me with my school work and keep me focused on not returning to my bad ways. I am now going to class and get A’s and B’s in school. Because of Coach Dorman, I am also thinking about going to college now. “

In 2009 we left Fresno PAL to closer pursue our triathlon related goals. We are planning a fundraiser event (aquathlon) in May to raise both awareness and funds, and bring more events to the area. We just hosted our first Kids Triathlon Camp.

Thanks to donations from local business, the kids are starting to look like real cyclists!

So this blog will be strictly about the process of building a high school triathlon team - with a hopeful following of current supporters as well as others interested in starting a triathlon club in their town/school. Thanks.

-brandon dorman

USAT Certified Coach