Monday, May 18, 2009


- Debit card from Wells Fargo with Tri-This! name proudly on it!

- 38 people signed up for the Splash and Dash and climbing!

- Running with some new kids this Wednesday Morning

- Water Polo season starts umm... tomorrow after school! (Tues/Thurs afternoons)

- house hunting is going well.

- I decided to ride the 10 miles on roads each way to Masters Swimming tonight. Going there was great, coming back got a flat about 2 miles in. Didn't have a co'2 canister in my pack like I assumed I did... so had to call my uncle. still, a good idea! I did the ride on Saturday and it is a very easy but flat ride and I was able to hit 27mph on flat and sustain it for a bit!

- looking for grants/meeting with the Grant guy on Monday!

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